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采用随机区组设计,研究不同配比的红壤、泥炭、椰糠和珍珠岩6种基质配方对闭鞘姜生长的影响。测定6种基质的物理和化学性质,观测萌芽率、叶片数、茎粗、株高、株幅、光合日变化、根茎鲜重和根茎干重。结果显示,基质S4(泥炭+椰糠+珍珠岩=1∶2∶2)的植株净光合速率(Pn)显著高于其他基质处理。在6种基质生长的植株叶片净光合速率曲线呈单峰或双峰变化,而蒸腾速率曲线呈单峰变化。最大株高、最大根茎鲜重和根茎干重也出现在基质S4种植的植株。从以上结果可知,基质S4比较适合闭鞘姜的生长和根状茎干物质积累。  相似文献   
环境友好型农药喷施机械研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在农林病虫害防治中,化学方法仍占主导地位,化学农药施用不当会引起农药浪费、环境污染和农药残留等问题。为此,本文阐述了国内外对农药雾化、在线混药、可变量控制、仿形喷雾、雾滴飘移控制、静电喷雾、智能对靶喷雾集成等关键技术的研究概况;综述了防飘移喷雾机、仿形喷雾机、喷杆喷雾机、杂草防除机械、果园喷雾机、智能喷雾机等6类典型地面植保机械的发展概况,以及包括植保无人机及其关键部件在内的典型航空植保机械的研究发展水平;提出了环境友好型农药喷施机械"绿色环保、精确高效"的研究理念,以及开展植保机器人与专用植保机械(植保机器人及其阵列、专用植保机械)研发、航空施药机具与植保无人机研究、智能物联农药喷雾系统(病虫草害靶标智能监测识别与防治预警系统、无线物联智能植保信息传输系统、立体智能协同农药喷雾系统)研究和植保机械关键技术(新型喷头及在线混药、智能化载运平台)研究等总体发展建议。  相似文献   
为了解峨眉问春和川茶2号在四川茶区的产量及鲜叶品质,以福鼎大白茶为对照,对翠屏、沐川、名山茶区的峨眉问春和川茶2号的芽叶性状和主要生化成分进行测定。结果表明:三地的峨眉问春芽叶较长较重,发芽密度与对照相当;其春、夏梢的茶多酚、儿茶素和咖啡碱含量均显著(P<0.05)高于对照,游离氨基酸总量均显著(P<0.05)低于对照。川茶2号芽叶较重实,发芽密度显著(P<0.05)高于对照;其春、夏梢的水浸出物含量和游离氨基酸总量均显著(P<0.05)高于对照,茶多酚、儿茶素含量及酚氨比均显著(P<0.05)低于对照;其春梢的茶氨酸、鲜爽味氨基酸含量及儿茶素品质指数均显著(P<0.05)高于对照,儿茶素苦涩味指数均显著(P<0.05)低于对照。峨眉问春和川茶2号在三地均表现出高产潜力及较好的适应性。川茶2号具有鲜爽、苦涩味轻的生化物质基础,可开发高档名优绿茶,可在四川全省茶区推广。峨眉问春鲜叶品质不及对照,可在川南早茶产区进行适度推广。  相似文献   
无人机具有作业效率高、地形适应性好等独特优势,近年在农林业中应用范围不断扩大,相关研究成果数量呈快速上升式发展。为掌握无人机农林应用全球研究态势,本研究采集2011—2020年期间Web of Science 核心合集数据库中无人机农林应用全球研究相关文献数据,利用VOSviewer等统计软件对文献进行科学计量分析。分析结果表明,自2017年开始,无人机农林业应用研究发文数量快速增加,全球已有94个国家/地区、1778个机构开展了研究;发文量排名前三位的国家依次是美国、中国和澳大利亚,表明这三个国家从事无人机农林业应用的科研实力强,学术影响力大;共有398种期刊发表了有关无人机农林业应用研究文章,约占全部收录期刊的1.90%,说明更多的期刊开始关注无人机农林业应用研究;发文最多的期刊是由MDPI主办的Remote Sensing;被引次数最多的文章内容主要是关注无人机系统在摄影测量和遥感上的传感、导航、定位和通用数据处理等的研究现状。此外,对无人机农林业应用研究热点进行分析发现,无人机施药、无人机病虫害遥感、植物表型获取是无人机农林业应用的主要研究热点。本研究可为无人机在农林业上的创新研究、科研团队之间的合作提供参考。  相似文献   
农药防治是茶树病虫害综合防治的重要组成部分,其在病虫害突发或爆发时具有快速高效的防治优势。茶树叶片表面具有亲水性,常量施药会造成茶叶农残超标、生态环境破坏等问题,实现茶树减量施药是减少茶叶农残的有效手段。系统综述了茶树生物特性、茶树病虫害预测诊断及防治方法、茶树植保机械及施药技术,强调提高茶树低容量喷雾的农药有效利用率是实现茶树减量施药的关键。针对目前茶园地面工况复杂及农药利用率低的问题,本文从低容量仿形喷雾机、茶树病虫害喷雾决策及智能终端等六个方面提出茶树病虫害施药技术及装备的研究建议,指出低量化、精准化及智能化是未来茶树植保喷雾机械及施药技术的发展方向。  相似文献   
椰子水是一种古老的热带饮料,以其天然、纯净、营养和功能特性受到越来越多的消费者的喜爱,并引起了众多饮料生产商的关注。椰子水主要是指来源于未成熟的椰子果腔内部的水状液体,汁清如水、入口清甜、晶莹透亮、清凉解渴。椰子水中的固形物含量比较低(2%~5%湿基),主要成分是糖和矿物元素,还有少量的蛋白质、氨基酸及其他微量成分,是一种营养丰富的天然运动和功能性饮料。椰子水的比例、总固形物含量、总糖、还原糖与总糖之比等指标是衡量椰子水质量的重要标准,可作为选育适合饮用椰子的指标。矮种椰子一般适合作为饮料用椰子品种。此外,椰子水还可作为植物组织培养和微生物发酵用基质。椰子水之所以用途广泛主要取决于其独一无二的化学组成,包括糖、维生素、矿物质和氨基酸等。本文主要综述至今文献报道相关椰子水化学组成及其影响因素方面的研究情况。  相似文献   
选取五年生健壮费约果树为母株,采用L9(33)正交设计法研究植物生长调节剂、基质对三个品种费约果半木质化枝条扦插生根的影响。本试验结果表明:不同品种、植物生长调节剂和基质处理的生根的影响呈显著性水平。影响费约果扦插枝条生根率因素的主次顺序为品种>植物生长调节剂>基质;影响根长因素的主次顺序为基质>植物生长调节剂>品种;影响插穗根数的因素主次顺序品种>基质>植物生长调节剂。Gemini品种经1000 mg/L ABT浸泡两分钟,以腐叶土+珍珠岩为基质,生根效果最好,生根率为70.00%,平均根长为8.85 cm,平均根数为10.22条/穗;Unique品种经1000 mg/L ABT浸泡两分钟,以腐叶土+蛭石为基质,生根效果较好,生根率为56.67%,平均根长为9.32 cm,平均根数为12.33条/穗;Coolidge品种生根率低,均≤20 %。  相似文献   
A field experiment was performed to explore responses of carbon metabolism, antioxidant system and endogenous hormone content of summer maize hybrids DengHai605 (DH605) and ZhengDan958 (ZD958) to waterlogging at the third leaf stage (V3), the sixth leaf stage (V6) and the 10th day after the tasselling stage (10VT). Results showed that waterlogging significantly decreased the contents of zeatin riboside (ZR), indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA), compared to those of CK. However, leaf abscisic acid (ABA) content was significantly increased by waterlogging at different stages, with the most significant increase was found in the treatment of waterlogging at V3 (V3‐W), with an increase of 30% and 29% for DH605 and ZD958, respectively. Waterlogging significantly decreased antioxidative enzyme activities, accelerating leaf senescence, resulted in the disorder of leaf gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. In addition, waterlogging decreased key enzyme activities of carbon metabolism (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase), with the most significant reduction in V3‐W, with a decrease of 46% and 49% for DH605, and 53% and 55% for ZD958, respectively. Visibly, waterlogging disturbed carbon metabolism, affected plant endogenous hormone content, accelerated leaf senescence and eventually resulted in a significant reduction in photosynthetic characteristic and grain yield. V3 was most susceptible to waterlogging, followed by V6 and 10VT.  相似文献   
New Grouped Harvesting-Based Population Structures of Cotton   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The construction of rational population structures is an important cultivation basis to achieve high yield and quality of cotton. ‘Small-sized plant under high plant density’, ‘moderate-sized plant under moderate plant density’ and ‘large-sized plant under low plant density’ are three types of traditional cotton population structures in China, which have been widely used in China's major cotton planting regions of Northwest inland, Yellow River and Yangtze River valley, respectively, and have played key roles in achieving stable and high yields of cotton in the nation. However, in the new era of cotton industry development, there occur such disadvantages that the traditional population structures are not suitable for grouped harvesting as well as both fiber quality and production efficiency improvements. The exploration of new population structures has become an important approach in the new period of cotton cultivation. In this paper, we concisely reviewed the main features and the disadvantages of traditional population structures. Based on the needs of light and cost-saving cultivation as well as quality improving and efficiency increasing in the new era, it was suggested that constructing 3 new types of population structures adapted to grouped harvesting, ‘reduced plant density with healthy plants’, ‘increased plant density with robust plants’, and ‘direct seeding and close planting with short plants’ to substitute the three traditional structures. On this basis, the key indicators and regulation technologies of the 3 new population structures were mainly discussed, and the future development of the new population structures both in research and practice were also prospected.  相似文献   
The study was designed to assess the seasonal variations in the quality and lipid profile of mussel meat (Mytilus galloprovincialis) harvested along the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea. The trial period lasted from June to October, and the sampling was carried out in the area of Varna Bay. Technological quality of the mussels was determined by measuring the water holding capacity (WHC) and cooking and roasting losses. Proximate composition, total aerobic plate count, and fatty acid analysis were carried out. Technological parameters and nutritional quality of the mussel meat were strongly affected by the season. During the summer, the mussels had higher mass, meat content, and meat yield (< 0.001) compared to the early autumn, which corresponds to the lowest protein content during this season. Lipid profile showed seasonal variations in both individual and total fatty acid amounts (p < 0.001). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) had the highest content in summer, while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) decreased gradually until the autumn. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reached its peak in October, contributing to the most favorable values of the nutritional indices of lipids in the early autumn.  相似文献   
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